霸天书 > 综合其它 > 必备英语口语2000句 > Lesson 14 影视明星
  lesson 14 影视明星
  01 the actress is called box office flop.
  box office flo表示“票房毒药”,当一名演员参演的大部分影片的票房都不好时,就会被称为“票房毒药”。
  02 leonardo dicaprio is a big name of international.
  词组释义 big name 有名的人,明星
  03 he has become a deep fried chicken in recent years.
  deep fried chicken的本意是“炸酥脆的鸡肉”,也称作“当红炸子鸡”,用来形容一个人很红。
  04 when speaking their lines, the actors always mutter to themselves.
  词组释义 speak one's lines 背台词
  05 the actor won a name with his first role.
  类似表达 the actor became famous for his first role.
  06 this actress always thinks that she is frustrated for all her talent.
  词组释义 be frustrated for one's talent 怀才不遇
  07 he is the guarantee of box office.
  单词释义 guarantee [?g?r?n?ti:] n.担保,保证,保证人,保证书,抵押品
  08 a good actor must blend into his part of the play.
  词组释义 blend into 融入,与……融合
  09 sometimes, the actors need to change their figures to adapt to the different roles.
  10 who is your favorite actor?
  类似表达 which actor do you like best?