霸天书 > 综合其它 > 必备英语口语2000句 > Lesson 16 婚礼
  lesson 16 婚礼
  01 it will be a holy church wedding.
  单词释义 holy [?h??l?] adj. 神圣的,圣洁的
  02 all the friends could hear her wedding bells.
  词组释义 wedding bells 婚礼之钟,婚礼钟声
  03 i haven't informed him of the date of my wedding banquet.
  词组释义 inform sb of sth 告知某人某事
  04 my ladybro asked me to be the bridesmaid at her wedding.
  单词释义 bridesmaid [?bra?dzme?d] n. 伴娘,女傧相
  05 mr. thomas will hold a perfect wedding for his beloved daughter.
  词组释义 hold a wedding 举办一场婚礼
  06 the couple decided that their wedding should be a very low-key affair.
  单词释义 low-key [?l???ki:] adj. 低调的,抑制的
  07 nate will attend the wedding of his best friend and serve as the best man.
  词组释义 serve as 担当,担任
  08 anna has been immersed in planning her nuptials.
  单词释义 nuptial [?n?p?l] n. 婚礼
  09 rita was totally flustered on the eve of her wedding.
  词组释义 on the eve of 在……的前夜
  10 at the wedding ceremony, the father of the bride symbolically gives his daughter to the groom.
  单词释义 symbolically [s?m'b?l?kl?] adv. 象征性地
  11 how is your wedding plan going?
  类似表达 how are you getting on with your wedding preparation?
  12 you must look very beautiful on your wedding day.
  词组释义 wedding day 举行婚礼的日子,结婚纪念日