霸天书 > 综合其它 > 必备英语口语2000句 > Lesson 07 电脑游戏
  lesson 07 电脑游戏
  computer games
  01 do you often play the computer games?
  often在句中作副词,用来修饰动词,表示事情发生的频率。句子是由助动词开头的一般疑问句,答句应用yes 或no 来回答。
  02 it's said that this rac will be sold on the internet.
  rac是一种网络游戏的缩写,表示“竞速游戏,赛车游戏”,类似的还有act 表示“动作游戏”;avg表示“冒险游戏”;fgt表示“格斗游戏”等。
  03 her son totally hooked on the computer games.
  her son was engrossed in computer games. / her son was infatuated with computer games.
  04 why are you always playing computer games?
  be always doing 意思是“总是……”,该结构不是表示进行时,而是带有强烈的感情色彩,表示“抱怨,夸奖,斥责”等。
  05 playing online games excessively is harmful.
  类似表达 playing online games excessively do a lot of harms.
  06 computer games are the darling of game freaks.
  computer games are the game freaks' favorite. / the gamers' favorite is computer games.
  07 the computer games are doing the resort more harm than good.
  the advantages of the computer games largely outweigh the disadvantages.
  08 the player of the computer games shows a trend towards younger age.
  词组释义 trend towards 趋向(倾向)
  09 computer games have made our life more colorful, right?
  colorful 是“鲜艳的,富有色彩的”的意思,它是个多音节词,所以变成比较级时,要在前面加more。
  10 computer games allow the global players to challenge each other.
  allow作“允许,准许”的意思时,是不及物动词,所以要加介词,与介词to构成固定结构allow sb to do sth 表示“允许某人做某事”。
  11 we should not spend the valuable time on those virtual computer games.
  在这里要注意,spend 的主语必须是人,常用的结构有:spend... in doing sth 意思是“花费……做某事”;spend... on sth 意思是“在某事上花费……”;spend money for 意思是“花钱买……”。
  12 the computer games have caused much violence.
  单词释义 violence [?va??l?ns] n. 暴力,激烈
  13 most of the computer games are gory.
  单词释义 gory [?g?:r?] adj. 血腥的,充满暴力的
  14 appropriate amount of computer games can relax us.
  注意事项 appropriate amount 表示“适量”,当后面跟名词时,一定要加上介词of。
  15 can you tell me how to play online games on computer?
  语法提要 tell后带双宾语,因为从句主语和间接宾语一致,所以将宾语从句简化成了“疑问词+不定式”的结构。
  16 most of the computer games cost money.
  cost作动词“花费”讲时,它的的主语必须是物或者事,一定不能是人。常用的结构是:sth/ doing sth cost...表示“某事/做某事花费了……”。
  17 more and more college students were engrossed in computer games.
  词组释义 be engrossed in 沉迷于……,迷恋于……
  18 i think it is the constant indulgence in computer games brought about the boy's ruin.
  单词释义 indulgence [?n?d?ld??ns] n. 沉溺,溺爱