霸天书 > 综合其它 > 必备英语口语2000句 > Lesson 06 争吵辩论
  lesson 06 争吵辩论
  01 get out of my face.
  i don't want to see you again. / get out of my life. / i never want to see you again. / get away from me.
  02 don't talk to me like that.
  03 you piss me off.
  词组释义 piss off 使恼火,使厌烦
  04 what a nuisance.
  单词释义 nuisance [?nju:sns] n. 麻烦事,讨厌的东西,损害
  05 that's too much.
  too much表示“太多”,它的中心词是much,其用法和much一样;另外,too much还可以作副词性短语,在句中作状语,或作名词性短语,在句中作宾语。
  06 you embarrass me.
  单词释义 embarrass [?m?b?r?s] vt.vi. 使局促不安,使窘迫,阻碍
  07 this is the last straw.
  i can't take it any more. / that's it. / i can't stand you any more. / i can bear it no longer. / i couldn't endure it.
  08 no more excuses.
  09 you drive me crazy almost.
  you make me crazy. / you drive me bonkers. / you make me nuts. / you drive me up the wall.
  10 i don't want any more words out of you.
  11 i want to get even with him.
  词组释义 get even with 报复
  12 don't answer back to me.
  词组释义 answer back to 顶嘴,回嘴
  13 it's none of your business.
  it doesn't concern you. / mind your own business. / i don't need your two cents.
  14 leave me alone.
  类似表达 take a hike. / get lost. / get out of here. / go away.
  15 isn't that maddening?
  16 shut up!
  get off my back! / shut your mouth! / keep your mouth shut! / stop flapping your gums! / stop talking rubbish!
  17 i'm about to explode!
  explode [?k?spl??d] vt. (使)爆炸,推翻,突然 vi. 爆发,发怒,激增
  18 don't try to make me look foolish!
  don't think you can make a fool out of me! / you can't make me look stupid. / don't make a fool of me. / don't treat me as a fool.
  19 as far as i'm concerned, i'm glad to hear your opinion.
  as...as...可以表示“与……一样”,如as white as snow,表示“像雪一样白”,但是当as...as...用于固定搭配时,则不表示这个意思,如这句话当中的as far as,表示“就……而言”,或as long as表示“只要”。
  20 i've run out of patience.
  i have lost my patience. / my patience has been completely run out. / my patience is ended.